
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fish Communication

Do fish communicate with each other and if they do, how?

     Fish use many kinds of communication methods among each other. These include visible, sound, coloration adn motion, smell and taste and eectcal impulse. The visible, sound, coloation and motion, smell and taste and electical impulse. The visible forms of fish communication are exhibited forms of fish communication are exhibited through changing their colour and doing dance-like movements. LEss visble methods of fish communication are in the form of sending out eletrical impulses and realeasing chemicals that can be smelled or tasted. The combination of visible and invisible communication makes the interpretation of fish language very complicated.

     Many species of fish emit counds during spawing, breading an defence. They can be picked up by underwater microphones. Some smaller species of fish emit a constant high frequency sound which is used to keep schools of fish together. Some of these noises are caused by the movement of spines. Cichilds use coloration and motion as a form of communication.The use of scent as communication has ben found in certain members of the catfish family.

    Some category of fish with electical organs can transmit or receive electrical impulses. The electrical impulses are used for social reasons and alse for warning trespasses.

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